Saturday, October 10, 2009 @ 8:39 AM
Worked for freaking 13hours today, leg was damn pain and tired when i sat at the mrt and stand up when it reached boonkeng luhs! My battery was flat and no song for me to listen to, even more 'Zzz'~
Tomorrow going JB to shop with my sister, hohoho >:D
Went out with kwek, jiayou and my sister for Phobia2 & pool at night on my birthday. Phobia2, to me is okay lah.. The ending part was damn damn damn funny.. XD
During the afternoon, went to watch Fame with DarlingAi.. Went to Plaza Singapura to eat LJS's breakfast set and went to check the tickets.. Waited from 11-1 for the movie to start X3
hahaha. Don't know what to blog about le..
Goodbye & Goodnight~ XD