Thursday, September 17, 2009 @ 6:31 AM
Didn't go to school today because i woke up at 11 *roll eyes*
First, woke up at 7.20 and fell back asleep, then woke up at 11+.. Replied messages and fell back to sleep till 1+, replied back and fell back to sleep AGAIN and finally woke up and left my bed at 3+ because DarlingAi was coming to my house, soon..
She helped me to dabao chicken rice and we listened to channel v's songs and talked about stuffs(: Played around with Junior too. She left my house around 5+ and i started using my computer since then till now :D
Yesterday went to work, so nothing really special happen. =x
The day before yesterday, went out with my sis to catch movie.. Met her at Vivo around 6.30 and went straight to buy the tickets, then went to eat at LJS.. Rushed back to the cinema to buy popcorn and went to Cinema Europa..
The Cove was the movie we watched at there and although it's kind of documentary show, it's still nice! :DD If you love animals or dolphins, you really should watch.. then you will hate those people from Taiji, Japan. =x
Anyway, i watched two movies that day. Hohoho! Since that, i think none of my friend want to watch 'The Time Traveler's Wife', so i watch with my sister then.. hehe.
The show was, touching and nice too..
andand.. i cried while watching both of the movies eh ._.
After the movie ended, was around 11+ already, so went to the ladies and took bus back home..
Pictures Time! :D
There, my sister.. Anna Leeeeee
a slightly normal picture :D
Her silly idea. -.-
That's all for today.
Goodbye&Goodnight! :D