Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 3:28 AM
Caught this movie yesterday and it was very cool~ :D
Went to work in the morning and around 2plus 'went' to meet Victor and Jiayou.. We took the wrong bus, we actually wanted to go Cine but ended up alighting at Redhill. ahaha! My fault my fault. =x
We train-ed from Redhill to Vivo instead, bought our tickets and went to eat Pastamania~ :D Super long never eat CREAMY CHICKEN liaox.. ^^
After the movie, don't know where/what to do.. Sat down and ended up, anything here anything there.. I was the one who decided where to go in the end.. >->
Ps was next and we went to the 7th floor, bought another 3 tickets for land of lost due to the boredom-ness~ =x
'Played' around with the jackpot machine and found 3 other receipts that people didn't want.. Think i giving it to my sister.. =x
Starbucks for my White Chocolate -> X-zone for some games and watched people play -> Subway to eat(Jiayou) -> Auntie Annie for my pretzel -> lastly, MOVIE~
Overall, i think the movie was funny but kinda stupid? =x
i'm going to watch Boys over Flowers now!
Goodbye! :D