Sunday, December 21, 2008 @ 3:56 AM
I'm here to post once again.
Was playing Plant Tycoon since i woke up till now,
around 7hours plus le? =X
Yesterday went to BoonKeng to meet Jasmine&ZQ.
Went to makan at Macdonald and slowly walk to Fion's house.
Reached her house, played the..
Stack tower thingy?
I forgot what its called.. =/
Played a few rounds and got bored, and ZQ didn't even have to stack the tower once! T^T
I stacked the most >-<"
After playing, i think we watched tv.
Watched 'Ella Enchanted' and not bad worx.. xDD
People tell her do what she will do it. >-<
Ate and watched abit 'Money Not Enough 2' and stopped because the disc got problem ):
Went back home around 11.40?
Walked to 7-11 and bought Big Gulp then walked to the MRT.
Alighted at BoonKeng with Jasmine and Victor reached to pass me the 'Plant Tycoon' and he accompanied me home.
Reached home around 12.30plus?
So this is my post of the day!
I'm going back to play my 'Plant Tycoon'.
Muehehehes! x33
my enter thingy got problem again,
lazy to edit. =x